Selected articles and interviews in English (German, French, and Chinese below):


Wahhabism vs wokeness, Substack (paywall), 6 October 2024

House of Grown-ups, Substack, 22 September 2024

Socialism vs creationism, Substack, 25 August 2024

Britannia, do you miss her yet?, Substack, 8 August 2024

The history of climatism, Parts 1-20, Substack, May - September 2024

Greenwashing and hypocrisy, Substack, 14 July 2024

Imagine - A quantum leap in humanity’s pursuit of happiness, Substack, 30 June 2024

Sully and the error culture, Substack, 16 June 2024

Stupidity and humour, Substack, 2 June 2024

Degrowth: good luck, LinkedIn, 16 May 2024

Failure and idiocy, Substack, 10 May 2024

Evolution and survival, Substck, 3 May 2024

Blissful ignorance and the butterfly effect, Substack, 26 April 2024

Tribute to Daniel Kahneman, LinkedIn, 28 March 2024

Applied Wisdom and the Greater Fool Theory, Subtrack, 8 March 2024

Big Macs and the Armey Curve,, 30 January 2024

Malthus and the Misallocation of Capital,, 27 June 2023

Cris Sheridan: Alexander Ineichen on Macro, Earnings, and Price Momentum, Financial Sense, 25 January 2023

Cris Sheridan: Global Consumer Sentiment Readings at Recessionary Levels, Says Alexander Ineichen, Financial Sense, 12 May 2022

Michael Levitt, Breakfast Leadership Show, 11 May 2022

ESG vs RDA, LinkedIn, 9 May 2022

Freedom and the Five Bs,, 19 April 2022

Eric Dye: Enterprise Radio, 27 January 2022

Edward Chancellor: U.S. bull market can't go on forever, Breakingviews, Reuters, 24 November 2021

Cris Sheridan: Alexander Ineichen on Applied Wisdom, the Failure of Experts, and the Politics of Fear, Financial Sense, 16 November 2021

Author Spotlight: Applied Wisdom - 700 Witticisms to Save Your Assets, Real Assets Advisor, 6 November 2021

How to Invest With Wit and Wisdom, ThinkAdvisor, 4 November 2021

Eco-Barbarians at the Gate,, 29 October 2021

Boring is good, LinkedIn, 7 May 2021

Gump's law and the butterfly effect,, 6 May 2021

Political Tyranny and the Richter Scale,, 20 April 2021

Cris Sheridan: If We See Another Roaring 20s, This Time It May Be Global, Says Alexander Ineichen, Financial Sense, 31 March 2021

In Search of Persistent Alpha, Webinar, Opalesque, 9 March 2021

Cris Sheridan: Could Be the Beginning of a 20-Year Bull Market in Commodities, Says Alexander Ineichen, Financial Sense, 2 December 2020

MMT and the Santa Claus principle,, 8 September 2020

ESG and the madness in crowds,, 4 August 2020

Wirecard and the Cockroach Theory,, 26 June 2020

The Obama Doctrine and the Greater Fool Theory,, 9 June 2020

The funny thing about truth, LinkedIn, 11 March 2020

Nowcasting: A Risk Management Tool, Alternative Investment Analyst Review, Summer, 2015, p 45-50.

Hedge Funds and Risks in the Diversified Investment Portfolio, CFA Institute Conference Proceedings Quarterly, Third Quarter 2015

Hedge funds - On doing your homework, Global Investor, Credit Suisse, May 2015

Alternative Investments Demystified - Myth: Investors are risk-averse, The Hedge Fund Journal, April 2015

Most important charts in the world, Business Insider, 17 February 2015

Alternative Investments Demystified - Myth: Alternatives are risky, The Hedge Fund Journal, September 2014

Most important charts in the world, Business Insider, 25 July 2014

Interview: Opalesque Zurich Roundtable, January 2014

Wall Street's Brightest Minds Reveal The Most Important Charts Of The Year, Business Insider, 18 December 2013

The ALM Time Bomb and the Reality Kick - Institutional infatuation with benchmarks can be dangerous, The Hedge Fund Journal, 5 December 2013

Risk parity rebuffed: Dalio versus Ineichen, Fortigent, 20 November 2013

Wall Street's Brightest Minds Reveal THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARTS IN THE WORLD, Business Insider, October 2013

White tigers and VaR, Investment & Pensions Europe, 1 July 2013.

Recent Hedge Fund Performance - Hedge funds have not shot the lights out recently, The Hedge Fund Journal, March 2013.

Could hedge funds serve as a blueprint for the finance industry? InvestHedge, 5 December 2012.

Accidents and diversification, AIMA Journal, Q3 2012.

Interview: Why the investment case for hedge funds is still sound, Opalesque TV, 27 August 2012.

Pros and cons for the upcoming new Solvency II, Mondohedge, June 2011.

Compounding, Survival and Dull Swiss, The Hedge Fund Journal, November 2006.

Interview: Absolutely, Relatively Asymmetrical, CFA Magazine, Sept-Oct 2006.

Investment viewpoint: Why asymmetric returns work, Investment & Pensions Europe, June 2006.

Absolute Returns: The Future in Wealth Management? Journal of Wealth Management, Vol. 7, No. 1 (Summer 2004), pp. 64-74.

Do Funds of Hedge Funds Add Value? Investment & Pensions Europe, May 2003.

Asymmetric Returns and Sector Specialists, Journal of Alternative Investments, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Spring 2003), pp. 31-40.

The Alpha in Fund of Hedge Funds - Do Fund of Hedge Funds Managers Add Value? Journal of Wealth Management, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Summer 2002), pp. 8-25.

Short Selling - Market Efficiency or Hooliganism? Investment and Pensions Europe, May 2002.

Who's Long? Market-neutral versus Long/short Equity, Journal of Alternative Investments, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Spring 2002), pp. 62-69.

Fund of Hedge Funds: Industry Overview - Advantages and Disadvantages of Investing in Fund of Hedge Funds,
Journal of Wealth Management, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Spring 2002), pp. 47-62.

The Myth of Hedge Funds - Are Hedge Funds the Fireflies ahead of the Storm? Journal of Global Financial Markets, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Winter 2001), pp. 55-63.

Hedge Funds: Bubble or New Paradigm? The Asset Management Industry is Leaning Towards Absolute Return Objectives and Risk Management,
Journal of Global Financial Markets, Vol. 2, No. 4 (Winter 2001), pp. 55-63. 


Articles and interviews in German:

Die Weisheit "Dieses Mal ist alles anders" endet of in einem Tag der Abrechnung, NZZ, 11 Januar 2018.

Nowcasting statt Forecasting - ein Plädoyer für systematische Entscheidungsfindung, Absolut Report, Ausgabe 06/2017.

Mal grundsätzlich... über Alpha, asymmetrische Renditen und aktives Management, pvm, December 2015

Zinsprognostiker sehen meist steigende Zinsen voraus, Bloomberg Brief, 27 April 2015

Standpunkt: Die Anleger tanzen auf dünnem Eis, NZZ, 20 Januar 2014.

Interview: Nettorendite zählt, Finanz & Wirtschaft, 30 Januar 2013.

Standpunkt: Die europäische Währungsunion implodiert im Zeitlupentempo, NZZ, 9 August 2012.

Kommentar: Diversifikation und der Finanzexplosivitätsindex, Absolut Report, Ausgabe 4/2012.

Regulomics - oder: Die Auswirkungen von Solvency II, Absolut Report, Ausgabe 4/2011.

Absolute Renditen - tatsächlich? Banco, Nr. 54, Februar 2011. (Original in English)

Portfolio - Serie zu Alternativen Investments (Teil 1) - Interview mit Alexander Ineichen: "Enttäuschungen sind nicht auszuschließen," Börsen-Zeitung, 20 November 2010.

Absolute Return - Plädoyer für eine alte Investmentphilosophie, Absolut Report, Ausgabe 4/2010.

Hedge Funds - Stresstest für quantitative Anlagestrategien, Finanz & Wirtschaft, 3 November 2007

Asymmetrische Renditen und aktives Risikomanagement, Michael Busack und Dieter G. Kaiser (Hrsg.), Handbuch Alternative Investments, Band 1, Gabler, 2006.

Leerverkäufe - Eine Überprüfung - Zur Kontroverse um Leerverkäufe und Hedge Fonds, Absolut Report, Nr. 6, Juni 2002.


Articles in French:

Rendements "absolus" - vraiment? BANCO, No 59, Février 2011. (Original in English)

Articles in Chinese:

The Ineichen Dialogues, 2009

AIMA's roadmap to Hedge Funds, 2008


Notable mentions:

Edward Chancellor, "Applied Wisdom for Sceptics," The Daily Sceptic, 2 December 2021